The human BEING could be considered as made of two parts. The BEING part which is Reality’s INFINITE ISness and the human part which is how this INFINITE ISness expresses itself as us.

We must remember here that since INFINITY is everything there is our BEING part is our sole Reality and our human part just a virtual appearance called Maya in Hinduism.

Yet, as long as our human part is not entirely assumed and unresolved pains are still gnawing in us, we’re like absorbed by this inner division and expelled from Reality’s INFINITE ISness which is indivisible. As long as we cannot unclench our attention from our human and limited part, because it is psychologically not resolved, we remain blind to our BEING part. This is Humankind’s great disease which tears apart our world and no thought-system, ideology or religion can clear up this problem.

Everything in the universe can be considered as made of these two parts, the INFINITE essence and the finite expression of this INFINITE essence. This is why we could expand the notion of human BEING to the rest and say for instance: a rabbit BEING, a tree BEING, a river BEING, a strawberry BEING, a planet Earth BEING, etc.

Since BEING is Reality’s INFINITE ISness it has no border and stops nowhere. Therefore it cannot be approached from outside or objectively but only from inside and subjectively, this is why it is conscious stuff. We ARE whatever BEING IS and it IS INFINITY. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. A little bit of LOVE goes a long way.

BEING in us is Reality’s SELF which is the ISness of everything across the diversity of the universe and this is how LOVE, which is INFINITY’s very essence, can be shared among us.

When we retrieve BEING in us we become conscious of BEING in everything and everyone else. This is when with the Sioux Lakotas we can call the Moon our sister, the Crow our brother and so forth. When BEING in us recognizes BEING in others and in everything else, Reality’s INFINITE unity spreads its harmony like the sun spreads its rays. There, we cannot hurt Nature anymore since we consciously ARE Nature.


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