Terrorism consists in killing just unknown people in a way that everybody feels in danger. This is how spreads terror and this is what terrorism is about. The Holy Koran forbids killing innocent people and says that killing one innocent equals killing the whole Humankind (sourate 5 aye 32).

Terrorism also by killing unknown people removes the identity from the individual and uses his/her death as a psychological ammunition against the the enemy clan, tribe or nation. By the size of the crowd gathered in Paris for the 12 journalists killed we mesure the power of this psychological weapon.

Oddly enough before the rise of Islam, Arabs were giving the identity to the clan, the tribe, not to the individual. This is why for instance when the Qoreish tribe ruling Mecca wanted to kill the prophet they first had to expell him from their tribe as to remove from him any identity and be able to kill him like they would do with an animal or a slave for instance.

Indeed people who didn’t belong to any tribe or clan had no identity. They could be enslaved, sold and bought like animals or goods. Islam fought this barnaric situation and gave the identity to the individual. But now those so-called Muslims who practise terrorism by removing the individual his/her identity are returning to the Jahiliah, the period of darkness Islam came to fight.


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