I am neither a terrorist Muslim nor Charlie Hebdo. I am a person free from identification with thoughts and back to BEING in me, a human BEING as such. The true prison is when we are identified with our thoughts no matter what these thoughts may say. Democracy and Human Rights are as much a thought-system as Islam or any religion. Since thoughts are limited constructions they are blind to Reality’s INFINITE ISness or BEING in us. Freeing ourselves from identification with thoughts is true freedom. As long as we are identified with our thoughts, even though our thoughts would be about freedom, they are a prison that keeps us locked up into our head and out of Reality. We find the same dogmatic rigidity in hurting 1.5 billion people in the name of freedom of expression as the rigidity of the Muslims that force their vision upon others. The message I deliver here is not only my message. It is The Buddha’s message, Jesus’ message (at its very source), Zarathustra’s message, Krishna’s message, Lao Tzu’s message, the White Buffalo Woman’s message, Heraclitus of Ephesus’ message, Rumi and Ibn Arabi’s message and the message of everyone who doesn’t use thoughts as to cognitively split Reality’s INFINITE and indivisible ISness. So a word to the wise.


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