Terrorists are expressing a deep disconnection from LIFE and from sanity. Yet, today, thousands of Western young people are contaminated with this madness and the phenomenon is growing everywhere. Maybe the Western Society should question its own functioning too. Our society is based upon identification with thoughts while we ARE not our thoughts but BEING in us. This cognitive fakeness we embrace is induced by pains too big to be consciously encountered and it makes us hoovering above Reality’s ground, abusing Reality’s expressions, including our own children, including the whole of Nature we destroy at a fast pace and at a planetary scale. These unresolved and unconscious pains remain in us like sea-mines that forbid access to our depth and therefore to BEING in us, which is Reality’s INFINITE essence. BEING’s INFINITY quality in us holds the wisdom we’re so cruelly lacking today. Terrorism is but one outcome for these unresolved pains and this lack of INFINITY in our lives. Yes, this is where the flaw occurs and where the problem lays .. and not in our ideologies or religions which are but surface pretexts to justify our madness based upon blazing pains still unresolved in us.

Patrick Ali Pahlavi

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